Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What they say..

This whole blog thing is new to me, I figured in order to see progress I'd have to be able to write down what I'm feeling and when. This is sort of a way to "let my feelings out" without eating...Sort of take the place of eating. So first post.. Here goes.

They say you are what you eat.. They also say you have to feel good inside to feel good on the outside. I believe both these statements to be true.

Over the past year I've gained over 60 pounds... I'm not going to go throw out excuses or blame other people for me gaining weight. It's my own fault. No one put the food in my mouth and told me to swallow. I did it all on myself. However, food never makes me feel any better. It makes me feel worse even, maybe. I admit to being an emotional eater, I eat when I'm upset, angry, or sad. I eat to take away the pain. Of course it doesn't work and I eat more. It's a never ending cycle and I want it to end. Food has got the best of me and I'm ready to end this cycle. I'm not happy with my appearance and I'm ready for a change. However, with me change is hard and I admit it is hard to start. I just need someone to push my along when I'm starting and tell me that I'm doing well and to keep going! I need motivation.

My family went out to eat with aunt and her family last weekend.. we took some pictures and looking that them was quite depressing. I look and feel enormous and I'm tired of feeling like this.. January 1st will be the first day of the rest of my life. Let's just hope I can find my way and stick to it this time.


  1. Welcome to blogland Lisa! Good for you for starting this journey and best of luck to you. You can do it!

  2. Welcome to Healthy You Challenge!! First off, congrats for starting to change yourself for the better. You CAN do it!!

  3. It helps when you have others along for the journey! Welcome to HYC.
    Path to Health

  4. I certainly know how you're feeling. I need motivation and people pushing me to actually start this thing too. I can do it, and so can you!

  5. Hey Lisa, Good luck with your blog. I think that you'll find a great support system. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering the contest. I've added you to my reader so that I can keep up with you! Good luck on your journey!

  6. Hi, you will find your way and then sticking to it will follow. There is much support here. It will be a great New Year to enjoy.
