Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I had another meeting with the scale..

Tomorrow will be a week since I started my change of eating and life, but I have class early tomorrow so I decided to weigh myself today. I was a bit scared, nervous even. But I did it.

220.0 so that's a loss of 6.5 pounds!

Wow! I don't know, I feel better already by changing what I eat and what I do. I'm honestly feeling really good right now!

But in other news,

I went food shopping yesterday and can I say that it's really sort of annoying to see the "better" food more expensive. But you get what you pay for, so I picked up some snacks to bring me when school starts again. I'm excited to be eating more healthy now, for some reason! I've been eating a lot of fruit. I used to rarely eat fruit or even a salad.

This is a short post, but I've got to scoot off to the Dr's!


  1. Hi Lisa! *waving* Just stalking you from another blog! ;o) Dani

  2. Wow, great loss!!! :) Eating healthy is more expensive, but it's worth it!

  3. Thats awesome, congratulations on the 6.5 lbs loss!! Sometimes healthier foods can be a tad more expensive, ways to avoid this is try to pick produce thats in season. If they are in season they tend to reduce the prices drastically. Best of luck, and again congratulations!
